Indexing in XenForo!


2015 - 2025
1-) Login to AdminCP

2-) After entering AdminCP, we find Appearance and Languages from the Left Menus and Press

3-) After coming to Appearance and Languages, I Press Templates

4–) We Write Page-Container From Top Right Search Place

5-) Click on the Result, Codes Will Come Before Us, Delete All, Paste Your Own Index Codes! And You Can Add Your Own Index To The Site So
1-) Login to AdminCP

2-) After entering AdminCP, we find Appearance and Languages from the Left Menus and Press

3-) After coming to Appearance and Languages, I Press Templates

4–) We Write Page-Container From Top Right Search Place

5-) Click on the Result, Codes Will Come Before Us, Delete All, Paste Your Own Index Codes! And You Can Add Your Own Index To The Site So
Very beautiful I liked it